Every person is unique and that makes every story equally unique.
When a man comes into the Mission we only know as much as that man wants us to know. This can be very little sometimes – just the basics. Should he enter the recovery program things slowly begin to change. Personal history, however distressing, starts to come out of the shadows. He begins to learn about his relationship to his family and to God. Each step in the program offers new opportunities and new challenges.
Recently a Mission resident had an opportunity to visit his family. He reported back that his family had commented on ‘how much he had changed since he came to the Mission’. This comment was an encouragement to the resident and a great incentive to continue on with the program. Later, the counselor explained that the resident had just recently finished step #7 of the recovery program. He had been learning about character change and was actively working on step #8 – reconciliation with family.
This resident seems to be well on his way to a better way of life. One that may possibly include being closer to his family. An opportunity made possible because of the hope and help provided because you cared.